Monday, May 25, 2015


¡Saludos de . . .


That's right, I have been transferred across the border. I am now working in the beautiful city of Oberá in Misiones, Argentina. Fun fact: Oberá is a Guaraní word meaning "brilliant."

Obera, Argentina
This is the Cathedral of Oberá. It's great because we can see it from anywhere in the city, so we're never lost.
My new companion is Hermana Monsivais. She is from Saltillo, Cuahuila, Mexico. Fun Fact: my dad served as a missionary there. Isn't she beautiful?
Hna Watts y Hna Monsivais
Saying goodbye to Encarnación was super hard. This is Rosi, one of my investigators. When I went to say goodbye to her, she told me, "I just feel like we were friends a long time before we met."
Hermana Watts y Rosi
But I'm excited to start a new chapter in Oberá. My companion and I are doing what missionaries call "whitewash" - which means we arrived in the area at the same time without knowing anything. There is a set of elders who also work in the city, but one of them is fresh-out-of-the-MTC new, so they didn't get here until a day after we did. The sisters who were here before had left all the information about investigators and members in the area with the elders, so for the first twenty-four hours or so, we just wandered around lost. To top it off, we don't have a phone. The office elders were supposed to give us a new one, but it hasn't arrived yet...

But I'm grateful for the challenge. For all the lack of resources, we have truly seen miracles in this area. The members are very warm and receptive and eager to help in any way they can in the obra misional. It makes a world of difference to have the support of the members! We have found several golden investigators with the help of the notes from the previous sisters, the members, and the elders in our area. There is a palpable feeling of unity in the branch, and it's beautiful.

¡Les quiero muchísimo!

Hermana Watts

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